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The Denver 5k

Sat September 13, 2025 Denver, CO 80204 US Directions


The Denver 5k Supports Covered Colorado

Covered Colorado

What do we do?  We empower sex trafficking survivors towards a life of healing and self-sufficiency.  We opened a safe house in January of this year and through our program: 
- Survivors receive basic needs (clothing, food, shelter and safety)
- They get help with their addictions
- We help survivors to get their identifying information back (SS card, birth certificate..)
- Survivors receive lots of counseling
- We teach them basic life skills that they may have never learned (cooking, budget...)
- We help them find jobs
- And we help them to find housing when they are ready to move out of the safe house.

How do we help in the community?  Covered is here to help with survivors in the state of Colorado.  We are focused on what is happening here locally in our own backyards, because trafficking is happening all around us!  

In Kind - Donations?  We are always appreciative of Walmart and Amazon gift cards as these are two places that we can always find things we need for survivors needs.  

Top Donors

$65 Raised By 7 Donors

$25 on behalf of Dawn Springer
$10 on behalf of Heather Berry
$10 on behalf of Lisa Fulton
$5 from Anonymous
$5 on behalf of Eva Sitinjak
$5 on behalf of John Van Camp
$5 on behalf of Mike DeAlto

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